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Wishing You The Best In 2022

As we begin another new year, I want to thank you for your continued partnership as together we guide our shared clients and members during these unprecedented times.

Our local leadership—based right here, in Western New York—remains ready to support you and your business with the familiar names and faces you’ve worked with for years. Our relationships with you and the members of our community truly are the Univera Difference.

And on a personal note—although I’m sure I speak for most Western New Yorkers and beyond—Go Bills!

Art Wingerter

PS: Be on the lookout for our “Other Hometown Team” ad that will run during this weekend’s game!

Watch Our “Other Hometown Team” Ad


Right Here For A More Holistic Approach To Health

Warby Parker Added To Vision Network

August Wellness Topic: The Importance Of Vaccines

Rx Update - Join Us For Our First Univera Healthcare Pharmacy Webinar

Rx Update - Site Of Care For Infusion Drug Therapy




Broker Specific

Small Business

Midsize & Large Business

Script for Univera Healthcare Broker News Archive/Article


GDPR Notification Content