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March Is National Colorectal Awareness Month

In the United States, colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths. Men are much more likely than women to get colon cancer, and African Americans are more likely to get it than any other race or ethnicity.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that average-risk adults ages 45 to 75 get screened for colorectal cancer. The recommended age for starting colon cancer screening has recently dropped from 50 to 45. Individuals who have risk factors, including a family history of colon cancer or previous polyps, may need to have their first screening at a younger age, and screen more frequently.

Download our Colorectal Awareness Toolkit (ZIP) so your groups can:

  • Share the included flyers with their employees
  • Use the attached article for your employee newsletter or blog
  • Host a Dress in Blue Day to bring awareness to colon cancer, on Friday, March 4th
  • Review your PTO policies to see if they cover paid time off for colon cancer screening for your employees, and ideally, also for employees to take their family members for their screenings

Additional resources:

Colorectal Awareness Toolkit (ZIP)


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